IPA South Florida

Visitor and Travel Info

This page has been created on this Region 11 website to assist members visiting Region 11 and those requesting assistance of any kind.

All IPA members, please remember to follow IPA procedures for travel. All visitor requests will require IPA membership verification.

Click here for the travel form.

Please be advised that due to the overwhelming amount of visitors to Region 11, requests for airport pick-ups and drop-offs may not be accepted. Please contact a board member to the right for assistance.


One of the many advantages of the IPA is the availability of expert assistance in foreign countries, often at a greatly reduced cost or sometimes, at no cost at all. Along with the foreign travel comes the opportunity to meet police officers in other countries, through which we can attain ideas which may enhance our own capabilities as law enforcement officers at home. We must all try to widen our horizons. Likewise, officers from foreign countries are enthusiastic in learning how we do things.

Many of us in the IPA have attained lifelong friendships with IPA people abroad. It’s well worth a little effort. In order to attain this and stick to the IPA credo of Servo per Amikeco or Service Through Friendship, it’s important to take the proper steps when you plan on traveling to foreign countries and wish the assistance from those IPA Sections

Within the U.S. Section, Associate Secretaries are appointed by the National Board to be the IPA liaison for each member country. Each Associate Secretary takes care of the travel requests to his or her nation of responsibility. Certain procedures have been established which must be adhered to for two primary purposes. One is to ensure a successful contact and trip for our members and proof of membership. Secondly, we need to have a system of controls and balances in the event something goes wrong.

When you travel abroad and enlist the services of the IPA in the host nation, you’ll need to keep in mind that, in essence, you are a goodwill ambassador representing not only the United States Section of the IPA, but also your home Region and American law enforcement as well as the USA. Take pride in your role as a member of law enforcement, whether active or retired.

When you wish to travel to another IPA country you MUST follow the below procedures:

1. You must contact the respective Associate Secretary or your Region Secretary, (DO NOT CONTACT THE IPA COUNTRY ON YOUR OWN) He/she will send you a IPA Travel Request Form which you need to complete and return to him with a photo copy of your IPA passport. You must have a current years dues stamp on the back. Travel request must be made 6 weeks in advance of your travel date. Travel Forms are available on the Administrative Page.

2. Upon receipt of your completed travel form, he/she will forward it to the appropriate Associate Secretary. He/she will in turn notify you that they received your form.

3. In a few weeks you will hear from the Accommodations Officer or a representative of that nation’s IPA. They will advise you who has requested to assist you and respond to your remarks on the travel form.

Please keep in mind the time element. All IPA members world-wide do their part as volunteers. Plan ahead, don’t expect members both here and abroad to drop whatever they are doing to accommodate your last minute requests. Mail between the U.S. and Europe takes up to 10 days. Give us 90 days notice if at all possible, especially if requesting lodging at an IPA house or apartment. They are on a first come first, served basis, and you and your family will save thousands of dollars over a few weeks.

Travel within the U.S. is certainly easier to arrange, but once again try to give us 2 weeks notice. We realize that sometimes advance notice is not possible and we will attempt our best to accommodate your request.

Lastly, don’t forget to take along some law enforcement related gifts for those abroad who assist you and new friends you most certainly will meet. A couple T-shirts, police baseball caps and patches from America will take you a long way. The region Secretary or the Associate Secretary can give you some pointers on where to get these items if you don’t already have them and I promise you will return with more than you left with.

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